Steps to RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is a queueing service that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It is a fast and dependable open-source message server that supports a wide range of use cases including reliable integration, content-based routing and global data delivery, and high volume monitoring and data ingestion.
Additional Documentation:
General Install:
Setting up RabbitMQ Clustering:
Install RabbitMQ
Install RabbitMQ on Ubuntu
1.Login as root
2.Install RabbitMQ Server
apt-get install rabbitmq-server
3. Verify status
rabbitmqctl status
4.Install RabbitMQ Web Interface
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Install RabbitMQ on CentOS
1.Login as root
2.Install RabbitMQ Server
yum install epel-release yum install rabbitmq-server
3. Verify status
rabbitmqctl status
4.Install RabbitMQ Web Interface
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Setting up and Running RabbitMQ as a Cluster
If you want to setup multiple machines to work as a RabbitMQ Cluster you can follow these instructions. Otherwise you can follow “Running RabbitMQ as Single Node” instructions to get it running on a single machine.
Note: The machines you want to use in the cluster need to be able to communicate with each other.
1.Follow the above “Install RabbitMQ” steps for on each node you want to add to the RabbitMQ Cluster
2.Ensure the RabbitMQ daemons are not running
See the “Running RabbitMQ as Single Node” section below
3. Choose one of the nodes as MASTER
4. On the non-MASTER nodes backup the .erlang.cookie file
mv /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie.backup
5. Copy the file “/var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie” from the MASTER node to the other nodes and store it at the same location.
Be careful during this step. If you copy the contents of the .erlang.cookie file and use the vi or nano editor to update the non-MASTER nodes .erlang.cookie file you may add a next line character to the file. You’re better off using an FTP service to copy the .erlang.cookie file down from the MASTER node and copy it onto the non-MASTER machines.
6. Set permissions of the .erlang.cookie file
chown rabbitmq:rabbitmq /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie chmod 600 /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie
7. Startup the MASTER RabbitMQ Daemon in detached mode (as root)
rabbitmq-server -detached
8. On each of the of the non-MASTER nodes, add them to the cluster and start them up one at a time (as root)
#Stop App rabbitmqctl stop_app #Add the current machine to the cluster rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@{MASTER_HOSTNAME} #Startup rabbitmqctl start_app #Check Status rabbitmqctl cluster_status
The “Check Status” command should return something like the following:
Cluster status of node rabbit@{NODE_HOSTNAME} … [{nodes,[{disc,[rabbit@{MASTER_HOSTNAME},rabbit@{NODE_HOSTNAME}]}]}, {running_nodes,[rabbit@{MASTER_HOSTNAME},rabbit@{NODE_HOSTNAME}]}]
9. Setup HA/Replication between Nodes
Access the Management URL of one of the nodes (See “Managing the RabbitMQ Instance(s)” section bellow)
Click on the Admin tab on top
Click on the Policies tab on the right
Add an HA policy
1. Name: ha-all
2. Pattern: leave blank
3. Definitions:
> ha-mode: all
> ha-sync-mode: automatic
4. Priority: 0
Verify its setup correctly by navigating to the Queues section and clicking on one of the queues. You should see an entry in the Node and Slave section.
10. Setup a load balancer to balance requests between the the Nodes
Port Forwarding
Port 5672 (TCP) → Port 5672 (TCP)
Port 15672 (HTTP) → Port 15672 (HTTP)
Health Check
Protocol: HTTP
Ping Port: 15672
Ping Path: /
11. Point all processes to that LB
Controlling RabbitMQ
Start RabbitMQ
service rabbitmq-server start
Stop RabbitMQ
service rabbitmq-server stop
Restart RabbitMQ
service rabbitmq-server restart
Getting RabbitMQ Status
service rabbitmq-server status
Setting RabbitMQ to Run on Machine Startup
chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
Managing the RabbitMQ Instance(s)
When the RabbitMQ daemons are started you can then visit the management Web UI in a Web Browser to monitor the RabbitMQ instance(s):
Default credentials: guest/guest
Note: Change the password using the following CLI command:
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